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You are managing a caseload or portfolio of qualified donors and you’re planning all the messaging and touches for each one. What should you say? What should you do?

At its core, planning touch points for donors is about servicing their passions and interests, which is nothing more than giving them a steady diet of three things:

  1. What is being accomplished through their giving.
  2. What still needs to be done.
  3. How they can get involved.

While this formula is pretty basic, it is often not executed properly. That’s why we created a Touch Points course that is all about planning ahead for your touches with donors. This course is available on-demand to fit your schedule. Check it out here as it will give you all the ideas you need for getting your touch point planning right.

One more thing: As this calendar year is closing and you’re planning for next year, you MAY find that you have budget for training that will remain unspent this year. If that’s your situation, consider looking for training NEXT year and using THIS year’s unspent budget to pay for it. You can view our course schedule for next year and pay for it with this year's dollars.


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