Registration open through July 31 – Sign up today!
An understanding of the key considerations and steps to lead your organization during these unprecedented times
Strategies for adjusting your business plan expectations and stay focused on mission
A checklist for the steps to take when you must cancel your event
Tools and strategies for how to make up for fundraising shortfalls
“Never has there been a more important time for fundraising managers and non-profit executives to keep their donors involved and informed. In this time of national crisis, your ability to keep staff engaging with donor will determine the future of your organization.”
— Richard Perry, Founding Partner, Veritus Group
You might be asking yourself, “Is this training right for me?” If the answer to any of the questions below is “Yes,” come join us!
It’s natural to worry about how the crisis will affect your fundraising. But rest assured you’re not alone.
If you’re looking for this kind of advice and counsel, come join us in this training course.
This course will deliver the training you need now.
You’ll get content delivered to your inbox with video, podcasts, webinars, social media connections and EVEN homework… not to burden you, but to help lift you up in your work.
No boring lectures, no boring lists of facts and figures, but real stories of what works in the field. This course is designed specifically to help you do the right things for your donors and meet their needs during this crisis.
Q&As — You probably have some questions about this course.
Q: How will this help me manage fundraisers during this crisis?
A: As a leader, it is your responsibility to lead your organization through uncertain times and ensure that your team is positioned to weather the storm as well as possible.
This course draws on the decades of experience of the Veritus team. Your instructors have not only coached hundreds of leaders on effective ways to manage and evaluate MGOs, they have served in executive positions of organizations themselves.
Q: I have an entire organization to run. Why do I need a course like this?
A: In this unprecedented situation, your major donors are experiencing severe disruption in both their financial and personal lives. At times like this it is more important than ever to maintain relationships with donors and to find new and creative ways to serve them.
Q: Will this work with my schedule and time zone?
A: The course will be available to you online at any time during the scheduled length of the course, so there is no issue with time zone challenges. Our live conversations will also be scheduled as best we can to accommodate many different time zones, and recordings will be available to course participants.
© 2020 Veritus Group LLC